As consultants who bring more than thirty years of business leadership experience, including the qualitative and quantitative analytical skills needed to implement programs in a meaningful, measurable and impactful way, we help money managers, consultants and advisory firms explore, create and implement growth and impact investment strategies and solutions.
​The VegTech Invest team is dedicated to helping the institutional and advisory investment community find and implement innovative investment strategies and solutions that can generate social and environmental impact accompanied with a financial return.
The VegTech™ Invest team offers consulting services for financial professionals in the following areas:
Growth and Impact Investment Strategies.
1. Develop firm-level questionnaires to establish client risk tolerance for and interest in impact investing.
2. Consult on or develop investment strategies for growth and impact at the individual client level or model level for measurable results.
Positioning as an Advisory that Offers Sustainable Investing Options and Expertise.
1. Strategy and planning for launching a sustainable financial product, including competitive mapping and whitespace identification.
2. Marketing and communications strategy, including messaging and branding, for a sustainable financial product.
3. Strategy and planning for delivering sustainable private market opportunities either through consulting on establishing a fund or via case-by-case deal flow.
4. Marketing and communications strategy for launching a sustainable private market fund.
5. Providing vetted deal flow including intital screenings to meet client criteria and, if desired, relationship building with private companies.
Reaching Next Gen Investors.
1. Brand review to position your firm as experts in addressing Next Gen investing needs.
2. Marketing strategy to establish your firm as focused on Next Gen client needs.
3. Communications strategy to reach your client's children and retain them.
4. Execution of communications strategy and public relations.
General Marketing and Communications Coaching.
1. Public speaking coaching.
2. Social media and brand awareness coaching.
General Sustainability Guidance
1. Learn about the options to lower the carbon footprint of your firm's investment and operations.
Reach out to
Don't miss out on reaching Next Gen clients. It's estimated that over the next few decades, around $68 trillion will change hands from Baby Boomers to their heirs, predominantly Millennials and Gen Z.
"My entire family has always invested together, but more and more it is clear that the old guard doesn't see the writing on the wall. When you try to talk about ethical priorities, or even specific areas to include or to avoid, they just glaze over. Honestly, even asking for basic things like ESG you get sent a brochure greenwashing the same old same old. It is pretty clear to me that even though my parents are ok with investing like that, it just doesn't work for me. I need investment options from a financial advisory that really gets that I'm not just trying to build a future for my bank account, but also one I want to live in."
-Anonymous Millennial, 41 years old