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What is VegTech™?

VegTech /veje-tek/ [n]: Innovation utilizing at least one plant ingredient to create a more efficient, animal-free food and materials supply system; part of a global secular trend.  

How do VegTech™ Companies positively impact Climate Change?

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the total emissions from livestock represent 14.5% of the total amount of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GhGE).  Companies that cut down on livestock by innovating for replacements with plants and plant-based derivatives for animal-free products can help reduce this number and, thus, have a positive impact on Climate Change. 

How are VegTech™ Companies Positively Impacting Food Insecurity?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in their landmark report on Climate Change, noted that under the scenario of no animal products consumed at all (no meat, dairy products, or eggs), “adequate food production in 2050 could be achieved on less land than is currently used, allowing considerable forest regeneration, and reducing land-based GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions to one third of the reference ‘business-as-usual’ case for 2050.”  Thus, more land would also be available for plant-based food production. 

Further, plants provide both protein and fiber and can be fed immediately to people.  Whereas growing food such as corn, soy and wheat and giving this food to animals rather than people is an inefficient exchange.  Animals are inefficient producers of food and consume time, land and water. We give chickens 7.5-9 calories of grain for every 1 calorie of meat. For cows it is a conversion ratio of 25-35 to 1.    

If we don’t eat animals what will we eat?

A landmark report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”), an arm of the United Nations, highlighted that climate change is expected to cause “severe, pervasive, and irreversible impacts” on the natural environment unless carbon emissions are cut sharply and rapidly. The IPCC further reported that under the scenario of no animal products consumed at all (no meat, dairy products, or eggs), “adequate food production in 2050 could be achieved on less land than is currently used, allowing considerable forest regeneration, and reducing land-based GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions to one third of the reference ‘business-as-usual’ case for 2050.”

Thus, not only can a plant-based diet of pulses, legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains and plant-based innovation products such as products utilizing at least one plant ingredient while remaining animal free feed a population expected to reach almost 10B, according to the U.N., but such a diet can positively impact the environment by doing so.

Do you really think that the world is going to stop eating animals and producing animal-based products?

Yes, the Boston Consulting Group anticipates that by 2035, plant-based and alternative meats utilizing at least one plant-based ingredient while remaining animal free will be 7.5% of the meat market, $290B,  growing exponentially from there.

If we don’t eat meat, where will the world get its protein?

Plants.  All plants have protein.  Further, plants have fiber, something animal products don’t have, which is critical for overall health.

Where can I get more information about the plant-based industry?

Where can I get information about a plant-based diet?

What books exist on this subject?

Moo’s Law: An Investor’s Guide to the New Agrarian Revolution

Animal Liberation

Diet For A Small Planet

Diet For A New America

Tech To Table

Technically Food


What movies exist on this subject:

VegTech Invest Management Advisory


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